
Manager's are a critical to each teams smooth operation, their role includes:

  • Assist the coaching staff in the organization of team activities, achieving goals and expectations of the team
  • Communicating ice schedules and coordinating dry land training to players and parents
  • Encourage a positive environment at all times
  • Encourage good sportsmanship, responsibility, and respect towards others
  • Be fair and impartial at all times
  • Encourage team spirit

If your interested in becoming a manager with Beaumont Ringette, you will need to complete: 

  1. Once teams are formed, reach out to the Head Coach to express your interest (if selected, proceed to #2)
  2. Submit you registration for Team Staff
  3. Submit your Screening Disclosure Form
  4. Provide a Criminal Record Check (CRC Request) - valid for 3 years
  5. Once you've completed any team staff requirements, you may be reimbursed by submitting a cheque request
  6. Ensure you have your NCCP#, manager's course and safe sport completed.

Near the start of the season, the "Age Group Directors" will schedule a meeting with all Managers and will provide you with the most recent information on the Manager role and will help to answer any questions you have.

Manager Forms
Bank Letter Sample
Ringette Canada - Concussion Information
Ringette Canada - Concussion Quick Reference
Expense Reimbursement Request Form
Player Medical Form
Sponsorship Letter Sample

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